Monday, January 20, 2014

Microsoft Introduces More Apps In Windows 8.1

Many users consider the Windows 8 version to be far from what Microsoft had claimed: that it would be a perfect operating system. Windows 8 store was known for its messy interface, which made it difficult for the users to work with. It was also embedded with poor quality apps with very less choice. Hence, most of the users who did the Windows 8 transfer were left disappointed. In order to overcome these drawbacks, Microsoft has announced the launch of its new version, Windows 8.1. The main focus is to help out the developers with promoting and monetizing the apps.
In-app purchases and app gifting is one of the chief improvements that have been made to the original Windows 8 store. These add on features will help users to share all set of their favorite apps with friends and family. It will also help the developers promote themselves in a better way as well as assist them with different methods to make money. To make better working environment for the users, Microsoft has also made efforts to provide better visibility by improving promotions. In its Windows 8.1 version, Microsoft has made modifications on to the front page along with the list of categories by redesigning them to enable enhanced personalized app suggestions. For upgraded merchandising and discoverability of apps many changes are brought about like app recommendations attached to individual app pages. Even though there are lots of improvements made, one of the appreciable change will be that no manual app updates will be available.
Automatic, behind-the-scenes improvements are added onto the Windows 8 apps similar to that in Android and iOS 7. Such an improvement will help the developers to ensure that users will be provided with latest version and given with one less update to worry about. App improvement, which was not fully developed in the case of the previous Windows 8 transfer, is very much essential to attract more number of developers and as well as enhance overall app quality.
Therefore, it is true that it is a very good promotional strategy for the new Windows version that will solve all the issues related to the early version. Although, the modified look of the store is quite promising, it would take a long time for the users to predict if the latest version is actually useful or not, as compared to Windows 8.

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