Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tips To Integrate The MSN Email In Outlook Express 2007

Microsoft designed the Outlook Express 2007 for serving as an email client in each of its Windows operating systems. This program manages your contact list and calendar apart from the e-mails for you. A user can send and receive mails using his/her MSN account by making slight verifications in the Outlook settings. By knowing just the type of mail server you can easily configure your Outlook Express with MSN account, most probably for MSN accounts you will be having a MSN POP3 account. Tag along the following instructions outlines by the Microsoft support crew to incorporate your MSN account with the Microsoft Outlook Express 2007. Here are the instructions for the same.
o Launch the “Outlook 2007” from the “All programs” tab that lies within the startup menu

o Inside the Outlook Express go for the tab with the label "Account Settings" which lies inside the "Tools" menu.

o Now open up the tab "New" and click on the “Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP or HTTP" followed by the "Next" tab.

o Furnish all the relevant credentials such as “name”, “MSN e-mail address” and “password” into the designated areas.

o Now tag along the "Manually Configure Server Settings or Additional Server Types" and opt out the "Next" tab.

o Select the "Internet Email" and follow through by tagging the "Next" tab.

o Beneath the "User Information" title, enter your MSN account credentials.

o At this point of the process you will have to detail the information regarding your server, if it’s a POP3 MSN account, go for the tab "POP3" from the contextual menu.

o Inside the "Incoming Mail Server" Windows enter the "pop3.email.msn.com" and follow it by typing in "smtp.email.msn.com" inside the tab shown as "Outgoing Mail Server".

o Mark on the box that lies adjacent to "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)".

o Inside the "Account Type" tab opts for the tab "HTTP".

o Now pick out the "MSN" tab that lies inside the "HTTP Service Provider" window, but make sure that you have checked in the tab "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)".

o In the "Logon Information" tab, furnish all the relevant credentials and put a tick mark on "Remember Password" box and tag along the "Next" tab before hitting the "Finish" tab to wind up the entire settings.
These instructions are enough to integrate your MSN account to the Outlook settings. However if you are keen to know more about Microsoft Outlook Express, log on to the Microsoft website and roll towards the section on Outlook Express.

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