Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How To Enable Frames In Internet Explorer In Windows XP?

Internet Explorer can be termed as a series of graphical web browsers that are designed by Microsoft as a part of the Windows operating system. It is one of the most widely used web browsers and Microsoft has added many advanced features and technologies in it to make it more user friendly and sophisticated. While browsing on the Internet Explorer or IE, you may have come across certain error messages which says – Website cannot be displayed. These errors may be caused due to the frames encoded into the website that you may be viewing. Internet Explorer 8 has the ability to display the frames. However, sometimes these frames would not be displayed correctly. In some cases, your security settings may be blocking the website’s ability to display the frames properly hence, you can change the security settings. It may also be a result of compatibility issues. In such cases, you can view if the same website worked on an older version of IE.

You can check these instructions to get the pages to show up, without seeking assistance from the Internet Explorer support :
  • The first and foremost step would be to adjust the security setting if it is the main cause. Click on Tools in the menu bar that is present on top of the program. A drop down menu list would appear wherein you would have to select Internet Options.
  • Once, it is selected, you can move to the options at the top of the box. Select Security tab option. Now, click the green check mark for Trusted Sites. At any point of time, you can seek assistance from the Internet Explorer support and clear your queries.
  • Now, locate the option for the option Navigate windows and frames across different domains which would be present more than halfway down the list.
  • Once, it is selected, click the circle to Enable this option followed by OK. You may get a message that reads- Warning! Are you sure you want to change the setting for this zone? Here, click Yes , followed by OK on the Internet Options box.
  • As mentioned earlier, the error message could also be a reason owing to the compatibility issues of the version of IE. In such cases, go to the website that is not working.
  • Click Tools in the menu bar and select Compatibility View from the drop-down menu list.
  • Now, refresh the page and the website should display normally.
Therefore, by following this set of simple steps, you can get the website pages to show up on your system if they show error messages.

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